I went to Rio De Janeiro, Brazil in 2004. It was a place like nothing I had ever seen. My first experience off of the 18 hour flight to Rio, was the coffee. The coffee that they have in Brazil is amazing. It has such a unique and rich flavor. They also make a coffee called "cafe con leche". This is simply coffee with milk in it, but it tasted much more flavorful than just coffee with milk. But, the coffee is not nearly the only amazing thing about Rio. The people in Rio De Janeiro are so absolutely beautiful. Pretty much all of them are too, not even just a select few. They have amazing bodies. This is probably partly caused by the sport that they play that is similar to volleyball except they use all parts of their bodies. It was a crazy thing to watch and very cool. They played it all along the beach of Rio. The beach of Rio was beautiful. Everyone wore practically nothing! Which was kind of weird coming from the U.S., because we cover up pretty well compared to foreign places. My parents actually let me buy one of the "brazillian" cut swim suits from Rio. Not that they would ever let me wear it. Rio De Janeiro is a big city alongside a beach, with many buildings and high-rises right next to the ocean. It is an amazing place to visit and there is so much to tell, I could go on for hours about it. But I will spare you.
Brazil is a very beautiful and colorful place! I have always wanted to go to Rio, I was lucky enough to get to visit a friend in Bahia one year for Carnival and I loved it! Unfortunately we never made it to Rio though. I also bought one of the bathing suits (I was much younger and skinnier then!) and never wore it. My friends called me "granny panties" the whole trip because I wore my "American" suit.