Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kusadasi, Turkey

Two summers ago I took a cruise of the Mediterranean. It was amazing; we got to visit many different countries and see many different things. One of my favorite places that we visited was Kusadasi, Turkey. I had never even thought about visiting Turkey before my cruise. When I thought of Turkey I thought of the desert or some sort of run down poor village. But, it was not that at all. We visited a beach called green beach in Kusadasi. It was absolutely stunning. The water was very wavy which isn't my favorite way for the water to be, but it was so warm and salty and green colored, those attributes made up for the waves. It was so warm outside and we just laid in the sun until we got too hot and then we went into the water to get refreshed, it was a continuous cycle. I also loved this beach because it was like a huge party. Everyone was drinking beers and they were playing techno music. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. And to think I thought Turkey was a run down desert!
We also had wonderful food in Kusadasi. I remember walking through the town getting tastes of Baklava and other types of Turkish food. Another very interesting thing about Kusadasi was that they had this liquor that, when mixed with water, turned into a milky sort of substance. It was a very strong alcohol and it was very interesting that it did this.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cairns/Sydney, Australia

Every year my family and I take a two week vacation to an exotic location. The year of 2007 we went to Australia. Our vacation began in Cairns. which was a beautiful place to begin. The beaches were wonderful, not as hot as I would have liked though. Something interesting about Cairns is that the clouds would roll in and out so quickly, one minute it would be raining and the next the sun would be shining. But it was rather refreshing if it did get warm, you knew that a shower was soon to come. One of the major things that we did in Cairns was snorkel/scuba dive The Great Barrier Reef.
This was such a great experience to have and I am lucky to have done it. After Cairns we traveled to Sydney, Australia. Sydney is an exquisite place. A lot of Australia is similar to The United States, with subtle differences. For example; the fact that they drive on the wrong side of the road. My dad rented a car and tried to drive, it was not easy to stay on the left. But that's another story. Something that stood out to me about Sydney is that it had beautiful high rises while still having a very pretty harbor. We stayed at Darling Harbour in Sydney.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Phuket, Thailand

I think that I am going to dedicate my blog to all of the travel destinations that I have been to. In this blog post I am going to talk about Phuket, Thailand. Phuket was one of my favorite places. Mostly because of how different it was from anywhere else I have seen. It was so incredibly rich in culture and beauty. When I visited Phuket one of their neighboring cities had just suffered from a Tsunami, it had devastating effects. I remember seeing a boat capsized miles away from the coastline, it had been swept out of the ocean and shipwrecked. Like I mentioned in my previous blog post, I am a beach person; Thailand had amazing beaches. The water was so warm and the sand was so soft; people literally flocked to the beaches there because of their beauty and ideal characteristics. Another one of the many beautiful things about Phuket, Thailand was the people there. The people were so kind and giving. Everyone we ran into seemed to be filled with joy and a huge smile on their face. Also a great benefit for Americans traveling to this part of the world is that our dollar is worth much more than the money that they use. We got wonderful massages every day for only $10 an hour. Below is a picture of one of the exquisite beaches in Phuket.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Beach

I don't know about you guys, but I like the beach. I have been to many beaches around the world, at least 50 different locations. I like my beaches to be warm and sunny, with a very warm body of water, wherever they are. Luckily, that is how most of the beaches that I have been to are. I really like tropical beaches. One of my favorite beach locations is Aitutaki, Cook Islands. I was there this past summer for a week or so. It is more of a lagoon rather than simply a beach. It is an amazing location.

This is an aerial view of the Aitutaki Lagoon. It was a beautiful place to be able to visit. It is very remote there and definitely falls in one of my top 10 favorite beaches. The Aitutaki Lagoon is in the middle of the pacific ocean. Kind of a scary thing to be aware of when you are out there, on a remote island in the middle of the ocean. Putting all fears aside, it was an awesome place to get to visit.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Blog!

Hi blog world and Ms. Filbeck. I'm not exactly sure what to write about for my first blog. I'll just write about life... In terms of school, it is stressful. It is somewhat overwhelming with all of the work thrown at students in the beginning. Also, moving into a new place away from home adds to the stress. My three roommates and I are having problems with our fourth roommate. She has been threatening to turn off the electricity so I am nervous for when she does and all of my food spoils. In terms of family life, I miss my family. I went and saw my mom yesterday and she is very sad and missing me a lot. I'm not sure if these are okay topics to be writing about, but I guess we will see! Have a good day everyone :).