Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Iguazu Falls, Argentina

Okay, so I know that Iguazu Falls is not a beach. But, they are absolutely exquisite and I think that they deserve some recognition. I traveled to Argentina in 2004 when I was 14. I was kind of too young in my opinion to be able to appreciate something of such beauty, but they were so amazing that I could take most of it in. Iguazu Falls are taller than Niagara Falls. They are so enormous it is almost unfathomable. Even standing yards away from the falls you can feel the mist from them. There were pathways leading through the jungle around the falls and you would walk on the paths, through the jungle, getting misted by the beautiful falls.
When my family and I visited Iguazu Falls, we not only walked a good ways around the top of the falls; we also took a small boat around the bottom of the falls and looked at them from that point of view. It was breathtaking. I have been to Niagara Falls before but those didn't even come close to Iguazu. Getting the chance to see something of this extravagance is an experience I will take with me to the grave. I will never forget seeing these mammoth falls.

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